Q and A: Wrong Turn of Events - Dawn Print
Questions & Answers
Saturday, 19 September 2015 03:24

Dawn asks: My DOB is 20th September 1981, TOB is 11.37 AM and POB is Chicago, Illinois, USA. Since past one month or so things have turned very wrong in my life. I broke up with my boyfriend. I was robbed of my purse on way back from my office. My health is going down. I feel weak and I have a consistent pain in my legs these days. Why is all this happening and what should I do to overcome these troubles?
Astrologer Ashutosh

Astrologer Ashutosh: Dawn! You were born under Scorpio ascendant and Gemini moon sign. The most important planet in your horoscope is Mars which is placed in its sign of debilitation, Cancer. Moreover, Mars is accompanied by Rahu, the planet which creates mysterious troubles. You have entered the Antardasha of Rahu in the Mahadasha of Jupiter on 13th August 2015. This is the root cause of this sudden jump in the negative incidents in your life.

This Rahu Antardasha will go on till January 2018. Things will worsen in coming months and your job and financial situation will also be negatively affected as a result in 2016. So, be mentally prepared for more anxieties in life. But, you will also have some unexpected positive changes in life if you are ready for such sudden changes.

An effective way to deal with this troubling time is to not to do anything out of the way and to not to expect too much from anything and anyone. Keep a relaxed attitude and live one day at a time instead of making big plans and taking big leaps in your career. Grab any good opportunity which comes your way but do not run after anything which seems elusive.

Regarding your health, Rahu is affecting the muscles and joints of your legs. Start little exercises like yoga and aerobics but do not tire your leg muscles too much. Always try to exercise around sunrise. Do not take too much physical strain after sunset. Try to have your dinner just after sunset for better health gains. 

Some remedies -

1. Wear a good quality Cats eye in a silver ring on the ring finger of right hand. Also, wear a Sindoori coral in a gold ring on the ring finger of the left hand.

2. Totally avoid wearing Green, Grey and Black colours for next two and half years. Instead wear more of Brown, Yellow, Orange, Red and Pink.

3. Avoid consuming alcohol and other kinds of intoxicants.

4. On Mondays, feed a cup of milk to any animal.

5. Do not stay awake till late at night and ensure that you have a good night's sleep. Sleeping in daytime will be harmful for your health.



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