Jyotish :: Jyotish News :: Shani enters Vrishchik - 2nd November 2014
Shani enters Vrishchik - 2nd November 2014 PDF Print
Jyotish Biz News - Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Sunday, 02 November 2014 10:04

The slowest among the nine Jyotish planets and the most natural malefic, Shani ( Saturn) has ended its long transit in Tula and has entered Vrishchik today. Saturn completes the full circle of twelve zodiacs and re-enters a sign after almost 30 years. Its past two transits were in its friendly signs but now it has entered the sign owned by its natural enemy, Mars, and will stay in it till 26th January 2017.

This change in Shani's rashi ends the Sade-Sati for Kanya rashi and begins the Sade-Sati for Dhanu. Tula and Vrishchik are still in their Sade-Satis. Kanya rashi people will begin to feel the relief at most within two weeks of this change in Saturn's sign. Tula will be free from Sade-sati when Shani moves to Dhanu in January 2017. Vrishchik will have the Sade-sati till Shani enters Makar on 20th January 2020.

The previous passage of Saturn in Scorpio was from 21st December 1984 to 17th December 1987 but that stay was not constant as Shani had retrograded back to Libra on 1st June 1985 to re-enter Scorpio on 17th September 1985. It had then finally left Scorpio on 17th December 1987.

But, in this 2014-17 transit Shani will constantly stay in Vrishchik rashi till 16th January 2017. Then again, after it enters Sagittarius it will retrograde back into Scorpio on 21st June 2017 to stay there till 26th October 2017. The next transit of Shani in Vrishchik will be from 11th December 2043 to 7th December 2046.

This transit of Saturn will bring great upheavals for India and the world. India's internal security, religious fundamentalism and the economic problems will become major issues during this transit. There will be increased tensions with neighbours Pakistan, Bangladesh and China. The government at Centre will remain stable but its credibility will go down several notches. In assembly elections there will be surprising results and hitherto unknown people and parties will snatch limelight.

Globally, as economic stability returns to US and Europe the developing nations will face the brunt of lack of foreign investments and rising prices. Some major financial scams will be unearthed during this transit.

For manufacturing industry this transit will be very favorable especially for the arms industry and IT/electronics industry. The entertainment industry will also get a boost as entertainers become legends and new ways of delivering quality content to consumers bypassing the traditional methods are found.  

In general, the results of this transit of Shani in Scorpio on the twelve ascendants (or moon signs) will be as follows -

1. Aries - Mesh: Health problems; high chances of injuries and accidents; abrupt change in job; losses in business forcing change in business strategy; health problem for parents; disagreement with seniors at work; sudden monetary gains from unexpected sources like lottery or inheritance; sudden and huge financial losses too.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Improvement in job and business; change to a better job; relocation of residence; better health; improvement in relations with parents; more satisfaction in work; reduction in business losses and other expenses; increase in profit, income and assets.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Health problems; marital discord; increase in income; increase in rivalries and enmities; long distance journeys; change of job.   

4. Cancer - Karka: Change of residence; good progress in job and business; increase in income; better health; high chances of marriage; new love in life; birth of a child in family; better relations with parents; gains related to house and property.

5. Leo - Simha: Change of residence; relocation to another city; cardiac troubles; high chances of vehicular mishaps; troubles related to real estate and mortgage; marital happiness; health problems for parents.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Good financial gains; success in business ventures; family happiness; better relations with spouse and in laws; good returns from investments; gains from sale of a lucrative real estate; improved creativity; success in educational pursuits.

7. Libra - Tula: Financial troubles; long distance journeys; change of residence; difficulties related to family affairs; discord and conflicts in family due to real estate issues; health problems; progress in business; change of job.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Much relief from hassles related to real estate matters; improvement in health; good progress in work; highly satisfactory financial gains; change of job; long distance travels; acquisition of a new and better residential property.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: Conflicts and disagreements with family members and relatives; losses due to wrong investments; health ailments related to brain, eyes, throat and mouth; legal hassles; useless long distance uncomfortable travels.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Rise in income; success in business ventures; better relations with friends and co-workers; increase in hunger for money; improved relations with family and relatives mainly due to money power; new love in life; high chances of marriage.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: Great energy in job and business; success at work; increase in business debt; increase in both costs and profits; health problems for father; success in legal matters; acquisition of new commercial property; change of workplace.

12. Pisces - Meen: Improvement in health; long distance profitable travels; success in educational pursuits; migration to another nation; success in offshore business; better environment at workplace; improved relations with seniors at work.





Jyotish Biz


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