Jyotish :: Jyotish News :: Brihaspti Enters Uccha Rashi - 19th June 2014
Brihaspti Enters Uccha Rashi - 19th June 2014 PDF Print
Jyotish Biz News - Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Wednesday, 18 June 2014 10:53

Brihaspati will enter its uccha rashi, Karka, which is its most powerful position among all the twelve signs, on 19th June 2014. Guru, the benevolent and most beneficial among the nine planets, will stay in this watery sign Cancer, ruled by Chandra, till 14th July 2015. As we know, Jupiter stays in a sign for around one year and re-enters a sign only after a period of twelve years.

The previous transit of Jupiter in Cancer was from 5th July 2002 to 30th July 2003. The next transit of Guru in Karka rashi will be from 18th October 2025 to 31st October 2026. Cancer is the sign of exaltation for Jupiter, while its swagrahi signs are Sagittarius and Pisces.

Interestingly, Saturn too is already transiting in its exalted sign which is Libra. Shani and Guru had transited in their respective uccha rashis at the same time around 60 years ago, in 1954-55. At that time Jupiter had stayed in Cancer first from 9th September 1954 to 28th January 1955 and then from 3rd May 1955 to 1st October 1955. Saturn was constantly in Libra during these periods. Before that, these two heavy and important planets had been in their Uccha rashis at the same time from 30th July 1895 to 23rd August 1896. Every 60 or so years Jupiter and Saturn become exalted and come in Kendra from each other. The next such transit will be in 2073, from 25th July 2073 to 23rd October 2073. 

 It has been observed that great personalities are born during such transits when both Guru and Shani are in Uccha rashis. Such people excel in areas of spirituality, religion, law, business, education and politics. But, a few great con artistes and criminals have also been born during such transits. It all depends on the placement of these two planets and also the mutual yogas and placement of the other planets in the horoscope.

During this 2014 transit, as Jupiter enters its Uccha rashi and Shani is already in Uccha rashi, Shukra and Budh are swagrahis in Vrishabh and Mithun respectively. So, out of nine planets four are in powerful positions till 13th July 2014 when Shukra moves to Mithun. Budh will stay in Gemini till 29th July 2014. It will be interesting to see the results of such strong planets in the life of people born between 19th June to 13th July 2014.

For educators, students, researchers, lawyers, entertainers, performers and spiritual preachers this transit of Brihapati in uccha rashi will bring ample opportunities to bring out their best in their respective areas of work. Those who have been planning to pursue higher education should make the best use of this beneficial transit by applying for their desired courses of education.

As Jupiter rules over gold, during this transit of Guru in its Uccha rashi the demand for gold will increase. This could be due to the price of gold coming down to a level which encourages buying. New rules and regulations in the commodity markets will make commodities more affordable and the trade will flourish.

On technological front, more affordable but better technologies will be unveiled for use of the masses. This will include modes of public and personal transport, telecommunication, health and information technology. Most advancements will be in the sector of telecom and transportation.

Many nations will pass new laws and regulations which will bring long term benefits to their citizens. There will be more real efforts to address and solve the problems related to environment, international trade, economic problems, poverty and law. We will see better coordination between the governments to prevent the problems of terrorism and money laundering.

On the negative side, this transit of Jupiter will increase religious fundamentalism and sectarian violence. Jupiter in Cancer has always witnessed either the beginning of a war or an escalation in the intensity of an ongoing war. During the previous two transits, in 1990-91 and 2002-2003 we had witnessed US forces and its allies waging wars on Iraq.

In this 2014-15 transit too a new war in the same region is imminent considering the ongoing battles in Iraq where the extremist ISIL forces have started capturing cities in the Northern Iraq. Iraqi government has asked for help from US and the international community to counter this rise of Jihadists in Iraq. India too faces the risk of getting involved in border disputes and problems of internal security.   

The affects in general of this transit of Brihaspati in its exalted sign on the twelve moonsigns and ascendants will be as follows (Those who know their ascendants should read the predictions for the same below. Those who know only their moon signs should note the same for their moon signs below) -
1. Aries - Mesh: Benefits in job; growth in business; better relations with parents; long distance travels; relocation to another city or country; acquisition of new property; new vehicle; increase in social respect; increase in fame; more inclination towards religion and spirituality.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Increase in savings and income; change of job; improved relations with siblings and spouse; long distance travels; pilgrimages; better confidence; general good luck.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Change of job; foray into family business; improved relations with family members and relatives; better relations with spouse; marriage time for the unmarried; addition of a new member in the family; a very good time for those in jobs or businesses related to food, accounting, banking, education and law.

4. Cancer - Karka: Good health; long distance travels; boost in confidence; addition to the family; marriage; good progress in education; gains in job and business; foreign travels; migration abroad.

5. Leo - Simha: Long distance education; health problems related to liver and pancreas; increase in expenses and losses; gains from offshore business; a new vehicle or residence.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Better health; positive changes in business and job; increase in savings and income; new love in life; marriage; huge monetary gains; improved circle of friends; gains from sale or purchase of real estate; health risks to mother.

7. Libra - Tula: Improvement in conditions at work; more organised setup in business; good progress in studies; change of job; acquisition of a lucrative residential property; increased investment in business through funding or institutional loan.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Long distance journeys for both work and pleasure; good time for students seeking admissions to foreign universities; progress in education; migration abroad; better health; increased interest in religion and spirituality; heightened creativity; beneficial time for poets, authors, composers, singers and other kinds of entertainers.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: Sudden and unexpected journeys; rise of long term health issues; legal hassles; gains through inheritance; not a good time to buy a new vehicle or property; increased interest in spirituality and occult; better relations with spouse and in-laws.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Better health; monetary gains; new business partnership; great gains in job and business; good progress in education; marital discord and ill health of spouse in case of the married; good time for marriage for those who are unmarried.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: Increase in both business and personal debt; avoid taking loans from friends; souring of relations with close friends; increased acquaintance with people from the world of entertainment and politics; a good time to enter politics; high risk of business losses; increase in expenses; health problems related to liver; a very beneficial time for those in professions like politics, advertising, accounting, taxation, insurance, health and human resource.

12. Pisces - Meen: A once in a twelve year beneficial time; time to pursue higher education; good health; more focus on welfare of children; good time for planning for a baby; birth of a child; creativity at its best; good performance by those in creative fields like writing, composing, painting, music, etc; long distance fruitful journeys; improvement in work profile in job, good growth in business.



Jyotish Biz


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